Kisdon Landscapes takes the reader on a photographic journey over and around Kisdon Hill, through the meadowlands, limestone gorges, heather clad moorland, mires and ancient woodland, that make Kisdon so special. The journey begins at Loaning End on Birkdale Common, where the Swale begins, and ends at Ivelet Bridge, where Kisdon’s influence finally wains.

A must for lovers of Upper Swaledale.

  • Foreword by Lord Hague of Richmond
  • Eight illustrated journeys
  • Over 80 superbly reproduced images
  • Hardback edition with sown binding
  • Large format, 28 x 28 cm
  • 120 pages printed on 200 gramme silk paper. 

"It is an inspiring collection that is testament to the virtues of exploring and photographing on your home turf, and the endless opportunities this offers." Outdoor Photography Magazine.

PRICE £35 + £5 P&P (UK Shipping) *

To purchase a copy of Kisdon Landscapes please visit:

  • UK (Paypal) customers - visit our online shop.
  • For all other orders please contact Richard via the contact page 

* Royal Mail Tracked 48.

Kisdon Landscapes is also available at the following places: 

  • The Old School Art Gallery, Muker, Swaledale
  • The Yorkshire Dales National Park Centre, Bainbridge.
  • Hawes Post Office
  • Castle Hill Bookshop, Richmond, North Yorkshire

About Kisdon

Kisdon is a hill in Upper Swaledale. It’s a relatively small hill, overlooked by its taller neighbours, but it has a rare quality. Some 10,000 years ago, towards the end of the last ice age, the moraine of the retreating glacier blocked the river Swale. Forced from its original course, the river cut a new path through the limestone to Kisdon’s North. With water all around, severed from the surrounding hills, Kisdon stood alone, an Island Hill.

Gradually, over thousands of years, the landscape became what we know today: the peatlands and heather, the pastures and meadows, the paths and tracks, the dry stone walls and cow houses (cow’uses), the lime kilns and lead mines. The combination of nature and human endeavour has created something unique, beautiful, atmospheric and quite magical. Upper Swaledale is simply one of Britain's most stunning landscapes, and Kisdon lies at its heart. 

Book Images

About Kisdon Landscapes

Kisdon Landscapes is the culmination of six years of exploring and photographing Kisdon Hill and the surrounding landscape. It's first and foremost a photography book (rather than a guide book), with the primary aim of capturing and reproducing the hill's beauty and sense of place.

The book is designed to take the reader on a series of photographic journeys to, over and around the hill.  Each journey is proceeded by a hand drawn map and a short commentary. 

Producing the book was, for me at least, a huge learning curve (there are too many formats, paper types, cover types and printing methods to choose from) but I was guided by one principle, that the book had to do justice to the landscape. More specifically the quality of the reproduction had to be the best it could possibility be. I'm hugely grateful to the printers I worked with who provided guidance both in terms of design and printing and showed a huge amount of patience dealing with this newby to the world of book printing.   

The initial print run of 100 copies sold out in two months. It was bought by locals and visitors alike and the fact that so many local people - those who really know and understand the landscape - bought the book is perhaps the best accolade the book could have. 

The second print run is of 600 copies. A larger print run has enabled the production of a hardback edition, whilst still maintaining the quality of the reproduction and keeping the book affordable.  Having just received the first copies from the printer I'm pleased to say that the quality is once again superb.    

The production of this book has been a labour or love. I hope it provides a lasting legacy for Upper Swaledale and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed producing it. 

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